Wrap-up is a status that you have for a certain period after a contact has been terminated. During this time you can make notes about the measures that have been taken or about the advice you have given the customer. Note that the contact information remains in CallGuide Agent during the entire wrap-up time.
The length of time set aside for wrap-up is set in CallGuide Admin. This time can vary for different task types. Wrap-up is not used for contacts without task type.
When you are in Wrap-up status – and the wrap-up time is limited – the remaining wrap-up time is displayed in the CallGuide Agent status box. If the wrap-up time is not limited, the clock shows the length of time you have been in wrap-up status.
If a button marked with a Ë appears to the very right in the status window, this is used, if necessary, to extend the wrap-up time. Access set in CallGuide Admin governs whether the wrap-up time can be extended.
When the wrap-up time has expired, your status is set to Ready and you can be assigned a new contact.
If you want to finish wrap-up before the wrap-up time has expired, click on the Activate button. Your status is changed to Ready and you can be assigned a new contact.
When a call without task type is ended CallGuide Agent does not end up in wrap-up status, regardless of the settings. Calls without task type are the calls you make yourself without them being callback, campaign or enquiry calls nor external incoming calls (that have not arrived via IVR).
Using Enquiry you can make calls without interrupting the wrap-up to e.g. consult your colleagues concerning the task in progress. The task is still active, even if you make one or more calls.
Wrap-up is finished when
For callback and campaign, the feedback term is used. Feedback for callback and campaign are decribed in separate sections as they differ.
When an agent is in wrap-up or feedback, this is presented in the real time information in CallGuide Pulse and in the statistics in CallGuide Reportt. The total task time for the current task is registered.
If an external call is received during wrap-up or feedback, the wrap-up (or feedback) is parked until the external call is ended. Wrap-up (or feedback) is then automatically activated.
If the time for wrap-up is limited, the counter is reset when wrap-up is re-activated.
Wrap-up for email contacts functions exactly like wrap-up for incoming telephony.
Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB